报告题目: Controllability and exponential families
报告人:Sergei. A. Ivanov Russian Academy of Sciences, IZMIRAN
报告摘要:A goal of the talk is applying non-harmonic Fourier analysis to the study controllability
of systems, describing by PDEs. It is shown that natural properties of the arising exponential family one to one correspond to natural properties of the reachable set of the system..
报告人简介:Sergei. A. Ivanov,Leading Scientific Researcher, St. Petersburg Branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences。Her research interests include Math. Analysis, History of mathematics,boundary control problems and inverse problems。The last papers:1、Sergei Ivanov, Jun Min Wang, Controllability of a Multichannel System ,Journal of Differential Equations, November 2017 264(4):2538-2552
2、Sergei Avdonin, Sergei Ivanov and Jun Min Wang. Inverse Problems for the Heat Equation with Memory, accepted in Inverse Problems and Imaging。